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NIDEK AFC-330 Automated Non-Mydriatic Retinal Camera

Product ID: NIDEK AFC-330 Automa

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NIDEK AFC-330 Automated Non-Mydriatic Retinal Camera
excellent condition and still like new, 1 years old, ready to work.
manufacture year: January 2012, All items are sold in as-is condition with 6 month warranty.

Auto focus and 3D auto tracking, in "auto five" easy shooting and glaucoma diagnosis by the image processing technology and auto-tracking technology easily 50% useful stereo image shooting (our conventional shutter sound of realization and shooting is allowed to model ratio) reduction, all-in-one design that reducing the unnecessary blinking with a built-in possible computers, and equipped with a 50% space saving · LAN / USB interface, Compatible with various operational scene

Sale includes everything and ready to work:
Smart fundus camera-body electric-optical bench OT-600BF

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