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inline Helical gearmotor

inline Helical gearmotor

R series Inline Helical-Geared Motor

Product ID: Helical Geared Motor

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Available versions
1. Multi-stage
2. Foot-mounted or flange-mounted
3. Foot-mounted and flange-mounted

R series (two-stage and three-stage)
Technical data
Gear unit reduction ratio
3.21 to 289.74
Output torque
≤ 18000
Motor power range
0.12 to 160
RM series
RM gearmotors with extended output bearing hub are a special type of helical gearmotor. They were designed especially for agitating applications and allow for high overhung and axial loads and bending moments. The remaining data corresponds to that of standard helical gearmotors.
  • ISO9001:2008

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speed reducers, gearbox, planetary gearbox, gearmotor,reduced gearbox