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Icom IC- 756PRO3 HF/6m Transceiver

Product ID: Icom IC- 756PRO3

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LATE MODEL Icom IC-756PROIII in BEAUTIFUL condition in the Original box with the Original manual, Original schematics, Original microphone, and the Original power cord, Serial number 3205XXX. A great looking and performing radio. Face and cabinet are in BEAUTIFUL shape! Covers HF bands plus 6 meters. 100 watts output (40 watts AM), covers all modes. The ICOM 756 Pro III is the latest member of the venerable "756" family that started with the 756, 756 Pro, 756 ProII. This latest version offers some incremental improvements over the previous 756 Pro II: Improved Third Order Intercept point of +30dBm. Real time spectrum scope (with mini-scope). The IC-756 Pro II spectrum scope display occupied the lower half of the screen. The IC-756Pro III provides a selectable mini-scope display mode. This allows simultaneous display of the filter, memory-keyer and other menus along with a half-size spectrum-scope display. 60 Meter 5 MHz Band. Improved 1st filter and BPF for reduced distortion. Preamp

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