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CRS-USB Card Reader

CRS-USB Card Reader

CRS-USB Worlds Smallest Interrupted Swipe Card Reader! Only $399 USD, Smaller than MSRv007 and MSRv010!

Product ID: CRS-USB

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Full Version - $799 USD
Demo Version - $399 USD


Dimensions - 8.6mm x 4.5mm x 1.6mm


Our CRS-USB is the worlds smallest card reader, and is sold exclusively here at Card Reader Solution. This reader is significantly smaller than any other card reader including the MSRv007, MSRv010, and the MSRv015 as well. Our CRS-USB will read all 3-tracks in both directions, it is able to read jittering and interrupted swipes better than any other reader in the world. Our CRS-USB will read over 35000 cards and all information is secured with 256 bit AES encryption.

The CRS-USB card reader is the smallest, best reading, and most secure card reader in the world. Why settle for any less?

---Technical Details---

•Worlds Smallest USB Card Reader
•USB Interface
•Reads all 3 tracks
•Reads swipes in both directions
•Worlds best data recovery - Reads badly damaged cards, interrupted swiping, and jittering
•Exceeds industry reading standards

Main Products

interrupted swipe card reader, crs-usb, crs-bluetooth, crs-gsm