Low temperature thermoplastic splint is a new-type functional medical environmental protection material made of special synthetic
macromolecule polyester with a series of physical and chemical treatmen t. Able to be intenerated under the lemperature of 60 C70
{. take shape arbitrari ly, with advantages such as light weight , high intensity, ventilation, water resistant, entire X-ray permeation,
shape memory property, re-usable and biodegradation, innocuous, odor-free, non-excitant to the skin, this is an extremely
ideal orthopaedics external fixation material and can substitute plaster cast, bandage and small plywood .
macromolecule polyester with a series of physical and chemical treatmen t. Able to be intenerated under the lemperature of 60 C70
{. take shape arbitrari ly, with advantages such as light weight , high intensity, ventilation, water resistant, entire X-ray permeation,
shape memory property, re-usable and biodegradation, innocuous, odor-free, non-excitant to the skin, this is an extremely
ideal orthopaedics external fixation material and can substitute plaster cast, bandage and small plywood .
Main Products
Low Temperature Thermoplastic Splint