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Z type compressor extended service life of cylinder and piaton rings to reduce the running costs,easy to transport.

Z type compressor extended service life of cylinder and piaton rings to reduce the running costs,easy to transport.

china cng gas compressor

Product ID: cng compressor

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Hantu vertical compressor based on parameters such as inlet pressure and discharge capacity can provide two-throw or three-throw typs. Two-throw compressor has throws alternate angle 180° three-throw compressor has throws alternate angle 120°, the two types both have a good balance of performance inertial force. Allows the compressor to run smoothly.
Z(vertical) type compressor cylinder which do not bear the weight of the working conditions of piston is conducive to high-pressure cylinder without oil lubrication structural design,no oil(less oil) lubrication operation, higher mechanical efficiency,extended service life of cylinder and piston rings to reduce the running costs.
All cylinders are equipped with dry cylinder liner wear resistance.
Compressor has three throws and three cylinders in line, no string-cylinde,and the corresponding packing & the large end bush with the maintenance window,and set up in the skid side,good maintainability.

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cng compressor/gas compressor/gas dispenser/gas cylinder/gas dryer

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