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ISO 9001 2008 Guide PPT Manuals Exam

Product ID: ISO9001 2008

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The success of ISO 9001 is exceptional and unparalleled. It has
crisscrossed the globe, attracting disciples and penetrating
markets, industries, and professions that no one could have
anticipated. It is only because the requirements for QMS are
the same, be it USA, UK, Japan, China, India or elsewhere and it is
a good architecture of quality management system.
It is successful because it is generic and can be applied to any
type and size of organization. From manufacturing to service,
small shops to multinational corporations, moneymaking
enterprises to nonprofit and governmental agencies, the standard
has proven its worth as an effective model for managing an
organizational system.
The International Standard ISO 9001: 2008 (latest version in ISO 9000 series) is
officially published on 15-November-2008. This guide will give you complete
details on what is changed and how it will affect you as an
ISO 9001 certified organization.

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