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PCKii : Hidden Drives for Privacy

Product ID: 6

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PCKii is a data security software which helps you protect your files and other important data. PCKii creates hidden drives [called Safe] and you can use these hidden drives like a normal drive when PCKii dongle is attached. The drives are not visible when PCKii dongle is removed.

PCKii can create hidden drives on any media like Hard Disc, Portable Disc, Pen Drive etc.

You can create any number of hidden drives and additionally protect them with a password.

You can protect any type of information stored in your computer and portable storage devices, including: customer data, company records, contracts, financial files, technical documents, personal bank account information, instant messaging history, gaming account information, and personal pictures or videos.

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ISO9001,ISO14000,ISO18000,ISO OHSAS 27000,USB LOCK,GoSafe,PCKii,T-Safe