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GoSafe Windows Login with USB Dongle

GoSafe Windows Login with USB Dongle

GoSafe : Windows PC and Server Login with USB Dongle

Product ID: 7

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GoSafe Windows Authentication
Log in to your Windows PC, Server using GoSafe Dongle

1. Your Log in ID and Password will be saved in secured USB Dongle.
2. User will be required to enter Dongle Password.
3. The GoSafe Windows Login provide you safe, secured and delegable windows log in system.

User name and password combination is normally used for authentication on a Windows PC and Server.

Available for Windows Desktop and Windows Server,Windows 7 and 8, MS Server 2008 and 2012

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ISO9001,ISO14000,ISO18000,ISO OHSAS 27000,USB LOCK,GoSafe,PCKii,T-Safe