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ship launching rubber airbag

ship launching rubber airbag

Marine rubber airbag for ship launching/landing and caisson moving

Product ID: AL0002

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1, rubber airbag design scientific and reasonable application rubber airbag, prefabricated or site pouring out of the finished product, all can satisfy slabs component design requirements, and rubber airbag simple operation, save work, save time, save material. 2, rubber airbag has good ageing resistance performance, service life long features rubber airbag using synthetic rubber, natural rubber and fibre strengthen layer is made after sulfide. Has very good resistance to bilge strength and elastic, flexibility, rubber airbag can satisfy various working conditions in the construction use. Three, rubber airbag applicable temperature in - 10 Degrees Celsius~ widely + 90 Degrees Celsius, within the scope of the rubber airbag material wont change. 4, rubber airbag for Bridges, building site construction lightened provides necessary conditions prestressed concrete hollow slab of concrete component, because use rubber airbag, its weight than the prestressed solid component light above 20%, so reducing the weight of the upper structure of building, can make the pile foundation shorten, span increases, safe and convenient onsite construction. 5, rubber airbag construction technology, simple, safe, health use rubber airbag, only a few simple tools, no special process.

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