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Toddlers and Toys sdn bhd
At Toddlers and Toys, we help emerging small businesses get off the ground and grow into successful companies. We do this by creating great technology and by making it accessible to people that previously wouldn't be able to afford it.
We are a team of highly dedicated individuals who share two things: a passion for problem-solving, and a commitment to excellence. We hope to provide the best of services when ordering and during distribution. So come and shop with us, because we provide the best in Quality and Quantity.
In providing a suitable and stable business that not only caters to the needs of our potential clients but we hope to foster an environment where purchase and sells unite to form a bond that will satisfy your every need. At Toddlers and Toys we guarantee the best in quality and quantity.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Penang - Malaysia
  • Established in
  • Capital
  • Annual Sales:
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • Chain Store
  • Markets
      North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong