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Ultra Level Tech. Co., Ltd.
Ultra Level Technologies Corporation was founded in 1995 and has been ISO 9001 certified since 2001. With our position as an ODM, we believe in designing and building the highest quality power supplies utilizing state of the art technology. Our research and development efforts focus on the design of the smallest Enclosed and U-Channel switching power supplies for the industrial and medical markets. With more than 20 years of design experience, we have designed many high density, high reliability power supplies to provide customers a wide choice for their applications. From 1995 to 2007 we have experienced over a 20 fold increase in sales and we have become a full fledged Original Design Manufacturer.

"Quality First", "Customer Satisfaction", and "Continuous Improvement" are our guiding principles. Every project is important to insure that the performance and reliability goals are met. Before any power supply goes into production the power supply goes through Design Verification Testing (DVT), reliability testing and a pilot run to insure that the power supply will meet our customer’s requirements. Once a power supply is in production every unit is burned in and calibrated, function and Hi-Pot tested using Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) to verify that each power supply meets our high quality standards and our customer’s expectations.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Taiwan, R.O.C.
  • Established in
  • Business types
    • ODM Manufacturer
  • Markets
      North America / West Europe