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Hydroxyethyl Cellulose (HEC)

Product ID: CAS No.: 9004-62-0

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Basis Q/ZT J0801-2011
Properties Index
Appearance Cream to Light Yellow Liquid
Polymer Type Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose
HEC max(%) 35
Molecular Degree of Substitution 1.5-2.5 (on dry basis)
PH 6-8
Solubility Soluble in fresh water and brines
Acid Solubility Soluble in 15% HCL
Temperature Stability 93-110℃
Specific gravity 0.93-0.98

Hydroxyethl Cellulose thickening agent can be used as oil well workover fluid and cementing agent. Help to provide clarification of the low fixed content solution, thus greatly reducing the structural damage to the wells. The use of Hydroxyethyl Cellulose thickening fluid easily acids, enzymes or oxidants decomposition, greatly improving the ability to recover hydrocarbons.

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oil field chemicals, mining chemicals