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6181Y PVC double insulated wire structure

6181Y PVC double insulated wire structure

6181Y PVC double insulated wire structure

Product ID: 6181Y

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1.0-2.5mm²:Class1 solid plain copper conductor to BS EN 60228:2005 (previously BS6360)
4.0-25mm²:Class 2 stranded plain copper conductor to BS EN 60228:2005 (previously BS6360)
Insulation: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) or XLPE (Cross-Linked Polyethylene) 6181XY
Insulation color: Blue or Brown
Sheath: PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride)
Sheath Colour: Grey

Standards:IEC60502-1 Generally to VDE0276 and VDE0271
RoHS Compliant
Chemical Resistance
Technical data
Voltage Rating:300/500V
Temperature Rating:0°C to +70°C
Minimum Bending Radius
Up to 10mm²: 3 x overall diameter
10mm² to 25mm²: 4 x overall diameter

Fixed Installation in dry or damp areas for domestic and light industrial wiring.
  • IEC60502-1 Generally to VDE0276 and VDE0271

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