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Located in Xiamen which is known as the biggest stone prcessing & exporting base in China, YDL (short for XIAMEN YA DONG LONG IMP. & EXP.CO., LTD.)is the leading quartz, granite and marble manufacturer and exporter. We first started our business by making high-quality monuments and other stone prodycts to Japanese market 25 years ago. Due to our relentless effort and rich experience, we are able to broaden our product range and expand our business market to Germany, Australia, Canada, USA, Spain, Poland and many other European countries and some south african countries.

Working with the beauty of natural and artifical stone, YDL provides you with an extensive line of high quality stone products for building &construction purposes like tile for walling &flooring, countertop &vanity series, cut-to-size, slab, cobble stone, curbstone, memorial products (monument, vase), decorative items for garden & landscape (sculpture, fountain, table bench, planter, bird bath, lantern, mail box stand etc.) and other architectural supplies.

Good quality and service are our primary concerns, and customer satisfaction is our ultimate goal. As we're the direct manufacturer that process and import raw blocks from India, Brazil, Norway, we give our customers the opportunity to have access to the latest products at the lowest prices possible. We invite you to inquire about any artifical and natural stone product.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • ODM Manufacturer
    • Exporter/Agent
    • Wholesaler
    • Retailer
  • Markets
      North America / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / Australia / New Zealand