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Cement mill

Product ID: φ2.2×11

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is the equipment used to grind the hard, nodular clinker from the cement kiln into the fine grey powder that is cement. Most cement is currently ground in ball mills.Cement mill is normally driven by electric motors.The output achieved by a cement mill system varies with the mill power, the fineness of the product and the hardness of the clinker.
In the technics of Cement production process, People usually choose limestones and clays as the main raw materials, crushing, concocting, grinding them into cement raw meal, feeding them into cement kiln,Cement clinker is usually ground using a ball mill.After being calcined maturity, adding appropriate amount of gypsum (sometimes mixing the mixed material or admixture) then being grinded, and the cements form.
1, crushing and pre-homogenization
2, The prepare and homogenization of cement raw meals
3, pre-decomposition and the burning of cement clinker
4, cement grinding
The cement manufacturing process consists of many simultaneous and continuous operations using some of the largest moving machinery in manufacturing.
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  • ISO9001

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