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Universal Joint ,Trifurcate Joint

Universal Joint ,Trifurcate Joint

Cross Joint

Cross Joint

Universal Joints

Product ID: BAUJ0035

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1) Suitable for all kinds of European,Japanese,Korean and American vehicles.
2) Meets ISO9002 standards.
3) Can supply more than 1,500 models of ball joints, tie rods, back end and side rods.
4) Brand: OEM brand.
5) Very competition price and high quality,can be used over one year or 100,000KM.
.Toyota, Peugeot, Honda, Mazada, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Opel, Fiat, Ford, VW, Audi, BMW, Benz, GE, Kia, Man, Renult, Hyundai Car, Truck and Bus.
.High quality, high responsible, durability and competition price.
  • ISO9002

Main Products

engine parts, piston, cylinder liner, ball joint, tie rod end, wheel bearing, universal joint, belt, water pump, fuel pump, radiator, alternator, starter, regulator, ignition, rectifier, brake and clutch parts.