D顤tler Automotiv, since 1999, carriers on the production and selling of metal filings parts that the automotive main and subsidiary industry needs in its company in İkitelli İstanbul which is formed of 1500 m2 closed area.Our customer portfolio is composed of the leading automotive firms such as Bosch Breaking systems
Inc.Co. S.I.L.A Teknik Oto Yan San.ve Tic.A.Ş.,and Pressan Madeni Eşya San.ve Tic.A.Ş.,D顤tler which made exportation only to Portugal up to date is progressing very fast towards its new targets for
developing its exportation capacity.
Company Profile
Factory LocationISTANBUL
Established in2003
No. of Employee20-50
Business types
- OEM Manufacturer;
North America;South America / Caribbean;West Europe;East Europe / Russia;East Asia;Southeast Asia;Mid-East / Africa;Australia / New Zealand;