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Egemin愀 solutions in Warehousing & Distribution

Product ID: E'wds

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E'wds (Egemin Warehouse and Distribution Solutions) combines Egemin's logistic solutions for warehousing and distribution. Our comprehensive E'wds product line comprises logistic installations like AS/RS crane systems (E'car?, conveyor systems (E'con) and sorting systems (E'sort) with appropriate controls and visualisation (Scada).

Each logistic installation can be entirely controlled and managed by our higher-level in-house developed software, E'wcs (Egemin Warehouse Control System) and E'wms (Egemin Warehouse Management System). Both programs have a standard interface to the lower-level automated transport and storage systems.
  • E'wms -Warehouse Management System
    • The Egemin Warehouse Management System (E'wms? constitutes the perfect link between your logistic environment and the equipment available in your warehouse. E'wms is a modular system that can be perfectly used for production and distribution warehouses and centres.E'wcs - Warehouse Control System
    • The Egemin Warehouse Control System (E'wcs) is a control system that integrates all automated infrastructural equipment in your warehouse into one well-oiled and efficient transport system. E'wcs is available on stand-alone basis but can also be purchased as an integral part of our E'wms software (Egemin Warehouse Management System). E'wcs consists of a location and a transport management module.E'car - Pallet and Mini-load Crane
    • Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS) are state-of-the-art, fully automatic crane systems that transport and store nearly every type of standardized product carriers and boxes. AS/RS can be equipped with E'car? Egemin's standard crane control, which commands the movements of the crane system in x, y and z directions, either locally or centrally.
  • The E'car control receives commands of the higher-level E'car manager PC. This PC works together with the WMS (Warehouse Management System) in order to divide the available transport assignments equally among the entire AS/RS crane system.E'con - Conveyor Systems with Contr
    • Egemin integrates logistic installations such as roller conveyors, chain conveyors, turntables, shuttles and elevators for transporting carriers like pallets, trays and boxes and controls such systems via modular software specifically designed for controlling conveyors (E'mocs - Egemin Modular Conveyor System). E'mocs consists of a number of standard program blocks or "grafcets" that are used for controlling the various system components. The standard version of this software program ensures a fast implementation of your conveyor system and can be easily maintained and extended for future adaptations.E'sort - Sorting Systems with Contr
    • Our sorting systems sort your different-sized trays, bags, boxes or parcels at high speed and with extreme accuracy to the right destination. We equip diverse sorting systems with our standard virtual windows tracking software that considerably condenses your product flows and, by doing so, tremendously increases your productive capacity. Our windows tracking software integrates sorting methods such as zip sorters, cross-belt or tilt-tray in our other warehousing and distribution solutions and dedicated picking concepts for sorting installations.

Main Products

Automated Guided Vehicles, Towline Conveyors, Automated warehousing