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Product ID: co_12

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WuZhou MeiBo Gemstones Factory can offer you all kinds of shapes and color corundum.
Uses: As a gemstone, mineral specimens and as an abrasive.
Specimens: Ruby Specimens, Sapphire Specimens
Color: highly variable. The color can be white or colorless, blue, red, yellow, green, brown, purple, and pink; there are also instance of color zonation.
Luster: vitreous to adamantine.
Transparency: Crystals are transparent to translucent.
Crystal System: trigonal; bar 3 2/m
Crystal Habits: include sapphire's typical six-sided barrel shape that may taper into a pyramid, and ruby's hexagonal prisms and blades.
Cleavage: absent, although there is parting which occurs in three directions.
Fracture: conchoidal.
Associated Minerals: calcite, zoisite, feldspars, micas and garnets.
Other Characteristics: Refractive index is around 1.77; pleochroic (meaning color intensity is variable from different viewing directions); striations on parting surfaces.
Best Field Indicators: extreme hardness, density and crystal habit.
You are welcome to our website for more information about corundum.

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gemstone, cubic zirconia(CZ), corundum, ruby, sapphire, zircon