An intensely black powder, Carbon black is produced by the reaction of a hydrocarbon fuel such as oil or gas with a limited supply of combustion air at temperatures of 1320 to 1540蚓 (2400 to 2800蚌). The unburned carbon is collected as an extremely fine black fluffy particle, 10 to 500 nanometers (nm) in diameter. Carbon Black is used mainly as a reinforcing agent in rubber products such as tires, tubes, conveyer belts, cables and other mechanical rubber goods; used as a black pigment in printing, lithographic, letterpress, carbon paper and typewriter ribbon inks, paints, coatings, lacquers, plastics, fibres, ceramics, enamels, paper, record discs and photocopier toner; leather finishes; manufacture of dry-cell batteries, electrodes and carbon brushes; electrical conductors; conductive and antistatic rubber and plastic products; electromagnetic interference shielding; videodiscs and tapes; uv stabilization of polyolefins; and high temperature insulating material.
reinforcing agent in rubber product^$^#Main Products
Iron oxide, Oxalic Acid, Lithopone, Pentaerythritol,Titanium Dioxide