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Forging Steel hot forging die forging automotive components

Product ID: Forging Steel Drop

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Die Forging manufacturer for carbon steel alloy steel & stainless steel India. Offer closed die forging & upset forging hot forging drop forging custom forging to specification.Product are forged engine parts,forged flanges, poleline hardware, fasteners.We can supply forging in semi finished or machined precision forging.

Products include drivetrain parts, forging automotive components, u j cross, steering yokes, axel stub, input shaft gear blanks, connecting rods, propeller shaft components, forks, rocker arm , tow ball, crankshaft, compressor crankshaft, camshaft, gear components, drive flange, clutch forks, tractor parts. Our ANSI flange (Slipon , weldneck, blind, threaded) and fitting list includes Elbows. Pole line accessories which includes ball clevis, anchor shackle, socket
clevis, clevis eye, socket eye, hook, suspension bracket, arching horn, dead end pin [ steel clamps ], bolt hook, horn holder and upset forging.

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Hot forging drop forging upset forging automotive component from steel