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Ouya Mechanical Seal Co.,Ltd.
OUYA MECHANICAL SEAL CO., LTD. Located in Ningbo, China, is a major manufacturer & server of MECHANICAL SEALS and concerned materials with Sintered Silicon Carbide (SSic), Reaction Bonded Silicon Carbide (SiSic), Ceramics, Tungsten Carbide (T.C.), Carbon Graphite and various kinds of Stainless Steel parts for clients' demands.
With over 5 years' development, we could supply SSic and SiSic, which outer diameter could up to 280mm and 450mm separately. Also ceramics, from 92% to 99%, could be served as the clients' expecting colors.
These mechanical seals are widely chosen to use in many fields, such as food processing and sanitary machinery, textile and dyeing production line, paper and printing machines, petrochemical equipment, auto fittings, and kinds of pumps. Nowadays our friends from different countries and regions have got long term good relationships with us.
Our motto is "Serve the world with time tested mechanical seals"

Company Profile

  • Established in
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer;
  • Markets
      North America;West Europe;China / Hong Kong;