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EASY OA SOFTWARE (looking for agents)

Product ID: we-f-326

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The Easy OA system :

convenience quick, enjoy over-valuedly to you
Specialized create for the small scaled business enterprise, working party .
Control the latest message, control the convenience and operate in brief, be more than your imagination.
At any time remind like your full-time secretary, the work plan no longer leaves out.Provide the check on work attendance.

*Timecard management
*Personal transact the interface always interactively
*The work calendar
*Announce system
*privilege management

*Timecard management
While arriving the company, open your computer then can register up, go off work time and the administrator of the system can search all months with whole staff of up, go off work time
*Personal transact the interface always interactively:
Combine the calendar with treat to handle affairs the item to connect, can automatic record unsettled affair.The system has the function that auto remind, reminding the affair of your not yet finished.Let the work plan Complete successfully.
*The work calendar
The calendar can set the privacy degree, using tree form structure manifestation the privilege with the different dept is public or hidden protection ability
*Announce system:
*privilege management:
You can quickly set the dept. management, the role , user account, password.

Mercury Int'l Automaiotn System. Ltd
2f, No.60,Da Ren St. Sanchung City ,Taipei Hsien ,Taiwan.(R.O.C)
Fax: 886-2-89883476

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