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monocular video microscopes

Product ID: MZDH 0850

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MZDH0850 series high-resolution zoom monocular video microscope systems
Main technology Specifications:

The range of objective zoom magnification: 0.75X~5X
Standard total magnification: 0.75X~5X, extend total magnification: 0.11X~67.5X(use auxiliary objectives and kinds of magnification CCD adapters)
Adjusting high lighteness LED coaxial illumination (MZDH0850C)
Parfocal in zoom course, even illumination, high-resolution.
The measurement to match between the support and the main body:Φ45mm
0.3X、0.5X、1X(standard outfits)、1.5X、2X five kinds of CCD adapters to be selected.
0.5X、0.75X、1X(standard outfits)、2X、5X auxiliary objectives to be selected.
Kinds of auxiliary illuminators, stands to be selected. (CCD is selected to buy)
  • high resolution

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