FOGGIMG MACHINE is a light, high-efficiency, save-chemical, less-pollution machine .The motive -power of this products is designed a jet motor without moving friction parts. Its properties are: construction simple, convenient use and maintenance, long life, high efficiency and prevention-cure large area crops in short time; Save chemical 33g/are; pollution less than 1/30 of the ordinary sprayer, It can be used in the vegetable garden, orchard, grassland and environmental protection of the cities and towns.
o far it has been exported to the Belgium,Netherlands,Israel,Thailand,
Malaysia,etc.Now the series include OR-3,OR-4,OR-5(electronic ignition),OR-6(Mini type & electronic ignition),OR-F01(mini gas fogging machine) etc.
o far it has been exported to the Belgium,Netherlands,Israel,Thailand,
Malaysia,etc.Now the series include OR-3,OR-4,OR-5(electronic ignition),OR-6(Mini type & electronic ignition),OR-F01(mini gas fogging machine) etc.
OR SERIES^$^#Main Products
Solar products, Induction Heating Equipment, Fogging Machine etc.