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Teflon fusing machine belt

Product ID: fusing machine belt

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PTFE seamless fusing machine belt;
Double deck compounding fusing machine belt;
Common seam fusing machine belt
PTFE seamless fusing machine belt^$It made of fine glass fiber or Kevlar, woven into annular fabric and coated with fine Teflon resin under specific conditions,. Seamless PTFE fusing machine belt overcome the problem of traditional fusing machine belt such as bad stability, ruptures, and deflecting for different girth in two sides at the joint, the using life of seamless fusing machine belt are much longer than all kinds of other belt.^#Double deck compounding fusing belt^$With static-resistance varnished cloth inside and tearing-resistance fiberglass cloth outside, the compounded belt has a great improvement on its intensity, long using life, well balanced thickness, excellent deflecting preventing capacity, smooth surface, it's especially better for super thin lining.^#Common seam fusing machine belt^$It made of fine imported material, the surface is smooth and luster and the price is competitve. ^#

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