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angel paintings company
Angel paintings company is the top professional company in Asia for the best handpainted reproductions in oil on canvas. We have fantastic expert artists from famous art institutes in China, who have many years of experience reproducing old master works, and all our superb paintings are suitable for your home and office. We have built an excellent reputation due to the high quality of our reproductions of old masters, such as Da Vinci, Botticelli, Rubens, Boucher, David, Angres, Vermeer, Waterhouse, Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso, Cezanne. We also hand-paint reproductions of abstract paintings, impressions, decorating, photograph, oriental paintings and designs.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Shenzhen China
  • Established in
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
  • Markets
      North America / West Europe / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand