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Spark-plug cable

Product ID: ANV

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GMS Kablo Sanayi Ticaret Limited Şirketi (GMS) has been established on 01/01/1981 . GMS has been carrying out its activities in the cable industry since its establishment in the same address under the general director of Mr. Sadri DEMİRCİOĞLU, one of its incorporators without making any concession from its quality and honesty.
Our company having a great deal of experience in cable and making no concession from its quality carries out its activities in the international and domestic markets through house-holds, automotive, construction, shipping and communication industries. Our company following the innovations in cable industry has also productions other than cable.
GMS Cable has making production with TSE (Turkish Standards Institute) certificate since 1987 and continues the developments thereafter within the scope of ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management System (QMS) Standard.
    • Structure : Cables having conductors with electrolitic multi-copper wire with or without tin and external cover with PVC insulator.
  • Field of Application : Used in electrical systems and battery connections of the road vehicles up to 50 V voltage.

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