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Virus Buster

Product ID: VB-1

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The newly released "Virus Buster" can kill over 70% of bacteria, virus, and microbe in the air within 25 minutes the air condition in the car begins operation. Therefore, making air in the car interior cleaner, safer, thus reducing allergies and prevent infection

How it works?

The patented technology utilizes two UV LEDs and a TiO2 filter to achieve bacteria killing function. When power is supplied to the LEDs, they emit UV light which in turn excites the TiO2 filter to release bacteria killing particles. When air passes thru the filter, these particles is circulate thru the air condition system of the car. It is capable of killing 70-78% of bacteria, virus and microbe within the effective area of 8m3 in 25 minutes.

How long will the effect last?

Its bacteria/virus/mircrobe killing components - UV LEDs and TiO2 filter have a life cycle of 30000 hours.
  • How large is the unit?
    • The dimension of this "plug and play" unit is 5.2X2.7X1.9cm and it weights 12g. (without DC 12V charger)
  • What is in the package?
    • 1 main "Virus Buster" unit, 2 replaceable type of fixed clamp, 1 DC12V charger wire.
  • Optional Features:
    • Optional features include light-emitting logo panels or in-coming phone call flashing logo can be added to the unit for extra charge.
  • UL
  • CE

Main Products

High Power LEDs, LED lamps, SMD LEDs, UV LEDs