One day, while looking over the millions of web sites on the Internet, we decided that there had to be a better and faster way to find money for college than what most people did: dutifully slog through every single one. We knew that of all the sites we were looking at, only a handful contained original or proprietary databases that had the capability to conduct a search using your personal information as part of the search criteria.
That meant that most people were spending tons of time going over meaningless information in their quest to find money for college. In fact, we found less than 25 sites that were of any value at all. Compare that with the three to five MILLION results you get at a search engine, and you can begin to appreciate the staggering, daunting task that one would face.
Over time we carefully searched and examined each web site. We made sure we found the ones that, all together, will give you access to over 98% of the scholarships that are of value to you.
eFinancialaid.com, Inc., the publisher of The Scholarship & Grant Guide, has been on the Internet since 1997 and published The Scholarship & Grant Guide in October, 2001. eFinancialaid.com was founded by a team of dedicated professionals in the financial aid field led by Jerry Bohlken.
Jerry was once the president and owner of America's largest independent insurance and securities marketing firm and he is a highly experienced and respected financial aid counselor. Since 1997 eFinancialaid.com's totally impartial recommendations have helped thousands of students and parents to successfully locate the specific grants and scholarships they needed.
A talented team formed around the mission of developing and delivering the most concise, compact, effective method for finding college scholarships on the web and now stands behind The Scholarship & Grant Guide.
We know that we will be imitated. However, we also know that to our knowledge, no one anywhere has accomplished what we have with The Scholarship & Grant Guide.
That's why we're so passionate about it: we know it is the best product of its kind available today.
Company Profile
Established in1997
Business types
- Distributor
- Wholesaler
- Digital Product Online Store
North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong