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Chip bead, inductor, choke coil - Passive component

>These components are extensively used in the electronic industries, including areas such as automotive electronics, projectors, adsl modems, digital cameras lcd monitors, ...

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Core Master Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

EMI cores and inductors


Three PhaseAC Filters fitler - TY360

>TY360:Rating current from 6Amps to 30Amps,Compact unit,general purpose. High-quality component ensure the safety of filters. Good performance of common-mode and ...

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Tyze Electronics Technology co,ltd

Main Products:

EMI/EMC/RFI filters,feed through filter


High Efficiency Air Filter - Filter

>Materials: glass fiber, or PP and composite PP + PET filter paper Characteristics: small wind resistance, easy and large, high filtration precision Efficiency: 99.97% ...

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Shanghai Xinran compressor Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

Air compressor, Air filter, Air tank, Crawler Rig


Shijiazhuang Chentai Filter Paper Co.,Ltd

Main Products:

Filter paper,auto filter paper,wood pulp filter paper


API Y-filter - y-filter

>Product DescriptionAPI Y-filterPressure: 150LB 300LB, 10K 20KStandard: API, JIS, DIN, etc.Material: WCB, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M.Medium: Water, Oil, Gas, Nitric ...

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Zhejiang Hengke Valve Technology CO.,LTD

Main Products:

stainless steel valves


Cage Filters - 02

>Cage type filter cage type filter is conveying medium pipeline system indispensable a filter device, the filter are normally installed in pressure reducing valve, relief ...

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Jineng HardWare WireMesh Product Factory

Main Products:

filter cartridges, filter, filter


Taian Electric Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

inverter (AC drives, frequency converter), contactor, magnetic switches, PLC


Increase - More Industrial Company Ltd.

Main Products:

soft ferrite cores & inductors, high frequency transformers, ultrasonic transducers, piezoelectric ceramic element, common mode chokes, choke coils


Line Filter - ASTYPE

>EMI countermeasures at signal lines of personal computers, microcomputers, peripheral devices, etc. countermeasures anginst common-mode noise at composite video signals. ...

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Easy Magnet Corp.

Main Products:

ferrite core, chip bead, chip inductor, line filter, choke, coil, fixed inductor


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