electronic timerecorder, electronic checkwriter...
mini water pump, submersible eater pump, magnetic seadless pump, fountain pump, powder filter...
The visual plus light box is a combination of state-of-the-art optics and modern design resulting in a stearmlined appearance that is as thin as 1/2 inch depth. The visual plus may be hung on the wall both vertically or horizontally. Ease mounting...
visual plus light boxes...
clamp tester, multitester, earth resistance tester, insulation tester phase rotation indicator, panel meter...
The 101 Tiny1 can accept various types of barcode input devices: wand, badge slot, CCD, laser scanner (in both wand or laser emulation are all supported). The barcode input device is automatically recognized at power...
CCD, terminal...
microswitches, notebook keyboard, switching power supply...
scooter, motorcycle, kymco...
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