Product Search Results for Connectors For Aero - Space
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Single patient use on anesthetized patients and respiratory care patients who require a breathing circuit. The product is intended to be replaced at least once every 24...

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Saykia Corporation

Main Products:

Breathing circuit bacterial filter, Anesthesia breathing circuit, suction catheter, Heat & Moisture Condenser(HME)...


serial card - Molde104

The detail of specification about the serial card-Model 1041. Number of port:42. Serial standards:RS2323. Baud rate:75bps-115.2Kbps4. Serial signals:TXD, RXD, CTS, RTS, GND DTR, DSR,DCD, RI5. IRQ/ IO:Assigned by BIOS (compatible of 16C1050)6. Parity:None...

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Shenzhen Huaguai Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

Main Products:

serial card, serial server...


High-speed conenctor - H02

Brief Introduction■ H02 bus PCB connector has the incomparable advantagesand flexibility for nowadyas high performance circuit, and ithas been accepted and applied widely by H02 bus inter-connection system due to the the diversification and and...

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Sunkye International Co.,Ltd

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TracheaLife HME - SK302

Single use on tracheotomy patients who can breathe spontaneously. The product is intended to be replaced at least once every 24...

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Saykia Corporation

Main Products:

Breathing circuit bacterial filter, Anesthesia breathing circuit, suction catheter, Heat & Moisture Condenser(HME)...


B/V Filter (W/O Sampling port low presistance)!!salesprice - SK202N

Single adult patient use on anesthetized patients and respiratory care patients who require a breathing circuit. The product is intended to be replaced at least once every 24...

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Saykia Corporation

Main Products:

Breathing circuit bacterial filter, Anesthesia breathing circuit, suction catheter, Heat & Moisture Condenser(HME)...


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