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Designing and Constructing of Exhibition Booths

Product ID: P01

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In today's tough competitive market a company needs all the information it can obtain. It needs information on the competition, the marketplace and the customer. Ideal places to find this kind of information are fairs and exhibitions. More companies are taking advantage of these opportunities. The overall service requirements for exhibition service companies have not only increased but also changed dramatically. It is no longer sufficient for a contractor in the field of exhibitions to offer a well planned and executed exhibition stand, he must also become a complete partner in the overall preparation and implementation of the entire event. The Preuss Group, comprising of Preuss Messe, Preuss Far East and Preuss Far East Europe Office, is one of the largest and technically advanced exhibition service contractors in Europe and Asia. The vast network of associates allows us to service you, regardless of where you are or want to be. We have extensive experience in the international area, and are committed to expand our operations overseas. We are actively engaged in increasing our international services through the exchange of exhibitions and other related technologies. For over 20 years, the Preuss Group has been an active member of OSPI (Octanorm Service Partners International). OSPI is comprised of over 130 members in over 56 countries around the world that can provide the Octanorm system. Preuss Far East offers solutions using both conventionally built or OSPI system construction methods. The high quality service is provided not only in Singapore, but also in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, Japan and Korea. We plan and design directly with our clients. Our partners create the concept, as they know exhibition conditions in their own country; the regulations and special formalities that are required and they can offer advice about political and cultural customs. Furthermore, Preuss Far East has its own Europe Office in Hamburg, Germany. Before, during and after the fair, the Preuss Group offers a complete service to all customers, including the planning and realisation of advertisement and public relations measures. Our services include: Comprehensive project management. Cost estimating, quotations. Scheduling. Design including computerised 3-dimensional drawings. Corporate identity development. Fabrication of props, prototypes, audiovisual cabinets and display cases. Production of graphics, text, photo and infill panels as well as desktop. Structural support systems. On-site installation, staffing maintenance and dismantling. Manufacture of shipping crates to ensure the safe transport and easy handling of priceless artifacts, high technology systems, artwork models and infrastructures. High-security storage, packing, loading, shipping and inventory control. Legal assistance. Show organization, translating services, hostess service.

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designing and constructing of exhibition booths