A.J. Import / Export Enterprises
We are a full-service worldwide product supplier/exporter of computer hardware and software products from U.S. manufacturers and other suppliers/sources and exporting these items to overseas distributors, re-sellers, integrators, brokers and dealers in Europe, the Eastern Bloc, Baltic Region, NIS countries, the Middle East, Africa, Russia, etc. We are also manufacturing representatives for other multimedia products. We currently ship 35+ items to over 50 countries worldwide with competitive pricing on networking products (cards, hubs, switches, etc.) New & Used PC Systems, Telephones, Multimedia Products (CD-ROM drives, CD-Recordables, Speakers, Mice, Digital Video Cameras, Storage Solutions, Hard Drives, Optical Drives, Tape Back-Ups, etc.) Modems, CPU's (Intel, AMD & Cyrix), Memory, GSM Mobile Phones (Ericsson, Nokia, NEC), Software/CD titles and unlimited accessories. CE-APPROVAL ITEMS-SGS COMPLIANT. Our strengths are competitive pricing, quick replies to all inquires, and fast/reliable deliveries. We honor all original manufacturer's warranties on all products sold by us.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
    Hong Kong / China
  • Established in
  • Capital
  • Annual Sales:
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • Distributor
  • Markets
      Northern America