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Breeze Fined Coils

Product ID: P01

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Breeze industries is the largest OEM and specification coil manufacturer for the heating, ventilating and air conditioning industry in Pakistan. Breeze industries manufactures chilled water, direct expansion, condenser, hot water and several different types of steam coils.
  • Mounting frame and casing: aluminum or hot-dip galvanized sheet steel
  • Fins: aluminum alu 99.5 or copper SF-Cu(plain, louvered or corrugated)
  • Fin spacing: 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.4, 3.0, 5.0, 6.0mm
  • Tubes: seamless ACR copper tube 9.52, 12.7 & 15.87mm(dia.)
  • Tube spacing: 9.52mm(dia.) = 25.4 x 22mm or 25.4 x 15.9mm, 12.7mm(dia.) = 36.51 x 31.62mm, 15.87mm(dia.) = 36.51 x 31.62mm
  • Connections: distribution and collector tubes made of steel or copper, refrigerant distribution header bade of brass, weld unions, soldering pipes, threaded nipples and flange couples.
  • Operating pressure: ND 20 bar. Exceeding operating pressures on request
  • Testing pressure: air or nitrogen 25 bar
  • Mediums suitable: hot water, chilled water, steam, river-water, brine mixtures, evaporating and condensing refrigerants
  • Design information: all types of applications in the field of heating, ventilating, refrigeration and air conditioning
  • Copper tubes are mechanically expanded into the fin collars, giving a gap-free connection to attain highest possible heat transfer ratio.
  • All soldered joints are brazed with the highest quality brazing alloys.

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condensers, evaporators, chilled water coils for window