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D & Q Pte Ltd.
D & Q Pte Ltd. is an international trading company, which was incorporate in Singapore. We are one of the branches of Dickerson & Quinn Ltd. located in Walnut Creek, California which enjoys US$100 million turnover per year. We are specialized in importing and exporting canned shellfish products directly from Australia, New Zealand and Chile. These shellfish, such as Abalone, Limpets, Sea Asparagus, Topshell and Pacific Clams are packed under our own labels i.e. Yi Wang, Ocean Luck and Emperor Fortune. We work closely with major international and major reputable seafood processor for seafood and consumer food products. We pack Mayonnaise and Longan under our own brand-Champion and Fruit Juice under-Cal Glory labels. Our main key customers that we are currently supplying to are as follows: a) Local Exporters and Local Wholesalers. b) Hotels, Restaurants and Airline Tenders. c) Supermarkets and Ship chandlers.