The Malitnet Point-of -Sale System adds value to your business by incorporating functions of a cash register and an inventory control system providing speedy access to vital information through stand-alone or networking capabilities. The system helps you to operate smoothly and generate reliable information instantaneously to increase turnover and profits. The MPOS is suitable for the operations of departmental stores, supermarkets, duty free retail outlets, chain stores and many more.
- MPOS consists of :
- Cashier Module: Easy and flexible ways to enter sales information, add or reduce sales quantity, entry of discounted sale and entry of promoter code, deposit sale and goods returned which includes taxes in calculations.
- Backroom Module: The backroom module allows for easy monitoring of stocks, adjustments of stocks, flexible sorting, flexible stock item search, flexible and safe deletion of stock items.
- For cases when the user is required to print reports, enter exchange rates, test the printer or view counter activities, the Utilities Module allows for color or monochrome display capability, control of offered items, exchange rates capability, security level, viewing counters activity and generating reports.
- Easy installation.
- Multi-level security control.
- Void sale: Goods exchanged & goods returned.
- Line discount & group discount.
- On-line query & searching of stock.
- Barcode printing option.
- Information, management, strategic reports.
- Strong features on inventory controls, movements & analysis.
- Stand-alone or networking capabilities.
- Comprehensive user guide.
- On-line help.
Main Products
ValuePlus accounting system, FAS fixed asset system, MPOS retail management system