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Marketing and Presentation Material

Product ID: P2

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The Marketing and Presentation Material is setup in a way so that anyone can take these ideas and export on them. The pages contain graphics, provides some humor, and are informative. It gives your prospective client a shock treatment about the cost of data recovery. In all, just over 6 megabytes of customizable material!
.$229.95 if purchased separately from business package #2, narrated version 299.95
  • Presentation slides that you can put into a 3-ring binder or make slide for vu-graph presentations.
  • A 10 page Customer Information Book for your prospective client to read that will inform them on the dangers of not backing up their data and why they should use your Remote Backup Service.
  • Six-panel brochures (trifolds) to get folks interested.
  • Flyers
  • Some sales scripts to you handle prospect responses
  • Sample contracts that can be used as is or modified (we recommend that you get a legal opinion about use in your State or Province).
  • A separate 50+ page book that contains some samples of what is supplied on the 3.5" diskette along with other marketing ideas and how to's
  • 30 minute audio tape with sample sales calls and other tips
  • Business Plan
  • "GiveAway" RBS Presentation on Disk. Not as flashy as the Windows Disk-Based Presentation (included in package #2), it gets the job done! Pass them out business cards!
  • "RBS-Show" Trade Show Presentation. Unlike the Trade Show Presentation in package #2 that has sound effects, this presentation comes on one disk.

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TeleBack(tm) remote backup service software