Full color photo backgrounds and unusual slide builds keep the attention of your prospects while you impart specific information on how to protect their business records and data. The presentation itself is fashioned like a public service announcement (PSA) rather than an advertisement for your company. This overcomes virtually all objections for showing this presentation to groups whether at luncheon meetings or office conference rooms. We provide a handy script that you can follow, screen by screen, or you can modify the script and ad lib as you desire. The presentation can take as little as thirty (30) minutes, or it can be expanded to fill over an hour, depending on the situation requirements
- Original document preservation
- Computer information backups
- Forming disaster teams
- Insurance replacement coverage's
- Voltage spikes and power surges
- Uninterruptible Power Sources
- File archiving and CD writing
- Offset storage and records management
- Emergency notification information
- Payroll and personnel data
- Equipment failures
- Remote operations
- $499.95 purchased separately from business package #1 or #2
- Sample customer rate sheets that can be modified to show RBS fees;
- Sample Cover Letter to introduce your new business to the community;
- Sample Press Release describing your new RBS to the public;
- Listings of pre-printed paper suppliers;
- An Independent Agent Agreement that can be used when you want to contract sales personnel to sell your service;
- An RBS Agreement that can be modified to suite your needs;
- 40+ page workbook used in the seminar
Main Products
TeleBack(tm) remote backup service software