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Xuzhou Metalforming Machine Group Co .,Ltd
XUDUAN GROUP specializes in manufacturing mechanical press and hydraulic press. Our group has 25 series of our main leading products such as type J11, J21, J23, JF, JE21, JD21, JZ21, JL21, JK21, JK31, NTP, NCPF, JG, VH, SH, JF 75G, JS, JE25, JE31, Y32, Y27, JE31, JE36, JH31, JH36, JKD36, JKD39, JKD21, JKD31, JKD25, JKD89 which are classified into 160 categories. We can also provide XD001-XD008 special device for wheel rim in complete sets. The products are widely used in the field of aeronautics, automobiles, agricultural machines, electric machines, apparatuses and meters, medical equipments, electrical home appliances and hardware.

Company Profile

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  • Business types
    • Export &Manufacture
  • Markets
      South America / Caribbean / East Europe / Russia / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand