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TLB Mining Foreign Trade Ltd.Co.
TALEBE group was established under TALEBE KOMUR(Coal) 1991.WE present briquette(pres)coals and local Tuncbilek coals to customers by means of subsidiaries.In 2000 we established TALEBE MERMER(MARBLE) around Balikesir,Dursunbey,Hindikler village and we begin to operate in Red-Pink travers mines in the marble sector.In 2003 we established our first fabrique in order to cut debris and blocks near the red travers mines.In 2004 we began to operate our Medium,Coffe milk,Noce mines around Balikesir,Dursunbey,Sarisipahiler village.In the beginning at 2005 we begin to operate in our second fabrique in order to produce outworn traverswhich the fabrique is in Usak 1.Organized Industry Region which has been established on 5000 squaremeter land and has 1700 squaremeter closed area.At the beginning of 2005 we have established TLB Madencilik Dis Ticaret Ltd.Our aim is to contribute to Turkish Ecnomy by selling pur tiles,blocks,strips,outworn traverses to domestic and foreign customers.Our goal is to produce 20,000 highcubes Block and 300,000 squaremeters strip,tiles and outworn travers per year by operating in all our mines.

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    • Producer/Exporter
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