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Sprint Sports
Sprint sports has been exporting and supplying customers with full-line of sport goods; goalkeeper gloves, motorbike gloves, cycling gloves, weightlifting gloves, batting gloves, mechanic gloves, ski gloves, foot balls, soccer balls, volley balls, basket balls, sports-kit bags and wristbands, etc. It is with the product extension and development that we began putting our philosophy for growth through innovation into practice. We have a strong ISO-9002 quality management system implemented throughout the company, to achieve consistent quality to meet requirements of our valued customers.

We concentrate on Quality, Cost and Delivery to provide best alternative for the price being paid. The production processes have very special importance for us; the complete process from the cutting to the final product is carefully controlled and monitored, to achieve the required quality for which we are justly famed. We never lose sight of the personal attention each individual customer deserves, we offer excellent services and are always ready to serve him better.

Company Profile

  • Factory Location
  • Established in
  • Capital
  • Annual Sales:
  • No. of Employee
  • Business types
    • OEM Manufacturer
    • Exporter/Agent
  • Markets
      North America / West Europe